What is Polecology?

Polecology is pole dance + psychology, a marriage between my experience as a pole dancer and expertise in psychology. I began theorizing Polecology as a grad student in 2019.

In 2022 I began traveling all over the United States to work in collaboration with BIPOC artists and supportive pole studios to create space in the pole industry to support the artistry & mental health of pole dancers.

Dance is the physical expression of all that lies within - skill, muscle memory, mobility and flexibility as well as personality, mood, and feelings.

Training in skill development and technique give us a language to speak through our bodies. We then use our bodies to convey stories with every articulation of our fingers, every expansion through the chest, and every undulation of the hips. How does your body move? What story does your body tell?

Work with me and a collective of multifaceted artists across the United States to find your answer.

Summer Workshops 2023

  • Atlanta, GA

    One in-person pole workshop in collaboration with Secret Garden Pole Fitness Boutique in Atlanta, GA on June 25, 2023

  • Brooklyn, NY

    Two in-person pole workshops in collaboration with Full Circle Brooklyn in Brooklyn, NY from July 29-30, 2023.

  • Portland, OR

    Two in-person pole workshops in collaboration with Nirvana and The AERO Space in Portland, OR on August 26, 2023.

Join the Patreon Network

Join the Polecology network to access monthly virtual meetups, classes, and workshops designed to support the artistry and mental health of pole dancers. You will also receive on-demand access to over 50 archived lessons foundational to my movement style dating back to 2019.